remark generated table of contents


I spent some time this weekend updating a remark utility I wrote a while back. I wanted to add an 'overview' section to the beginning of every post -- basically a table of contents generated from post headers. There's a great little plugin that does this called remark-toc, which uses mdast-util-toc to do just this. It did present a few problems for my workflow:

  1. It requires you to define where the table of contents went in the markdown. For other folks, I'm sure this is a useful feature, but I didn't want to have to bother.
  2. It removed all content between between the table of contents and the first header. Again, maybe not a problem for some folks, but I often have an introductory section that lacks a header.

Because of this, I ended up spinning up a custom implementation of mdast-util-toc.

remark plugin

The unified ecosystem has a fairly robust language for describing itself. At it's core, 'unified is an interface for processing text using syntax trees' (unified documentation). For our purposes, we can think of it this way:

  • we have an .mdx or .md file
  • it is run through a parser and converted into a syntax tree
  • that syntax tree can be transformed by any number of plugins or transformers
  • the new syntax tree is run through a compiler and output as html

We want to write a plugin that returns a transformer that modifies our syntax tree. A really basic version would look like this:

module.exports = parse;
function parse(options = {}) {
return transformer;
function transformer(tree) {
// modify tree here

We can pass this module to the remarkPlugins argument of renderToString to transform the tree.

generating overview section

We'll update the above generic parse function to use mdast-util-toc, which does the heavy lifting of generating a list of headers with relevant links. mdast-util-toc returns a node with a type of list that we can pass to the children array of the syntax tree. If that node is returned, we'll update the children array in the syntax tree so the map comes first.

const tocUtil = require('mdast-util-toc');
module.exports = parse;
function parse(options = {}) {
return transformer;
function transformer(tree) {
const { map } = tocUtil(tree);
if (map) {
tree.children = [].concat(map, tree.children)

This works, however, I want to generate a div with the class-name toc that includes both this table of contents as well as an overview heading. We'll need to generate this parent node as well as the header node. I wrote up a really generic function for this:

const genOverview = map => {
const header = {
type: 'heading',
depth: 3,
children: [{ type: 'text', value: 'overview' }]
return {
type: 'parent',
children: [header, map],
data: {
hProperties: { className: 'toc' }

And update the transformer function:

const { map } = tocUtil(tree);
if (map) {
const overview = genOverview(map);
tree.children = [].concat(overview, tree.children);

While not the most exciting thing in the world, this should offer a brief overview for thinking about handling syntax tress. Looking forward to doing more in the future.


up next

  • templating